Big plans for Winter REtreat 2010

Rick and I have spent the last couple of months slowly thinking through ideas for Winter Retreat, and we are excited about all that we have planned.

Instead of going with several other church as we have done in the past, we decided to just rent out all of Skyview Ranch for ourselves so that we can fit everyone into the comfortable rooms. YAY!!

the theme is going to be a wedding theme, but not like a girly girl wedding...more like party reception kind of thing. We have everything covered from paintball to swimming to bowling to horse rides. Don't you worry your little head about bringing any extra money....one you pay this year....you are done. Unless of course you want little snacks or perhaps you want to buy a new Ward 9 CD, shirt, or hat.

you heard me right...Ward 9 is going to be there for worship, and our very own Michael Wolfe will be speaking. It should be a happy good time!!

Get on the web and download the forms, or pick them up at the CVC info table.
Good times are here again!
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First House night a success

Last night was the kickoff of our House nights. We had 4 homes, and each home had most of their people there. Rick spent some time at both the Balhorn home as well as the Lionetti's. I was at the Tuckermans to begin and then went over to the Nochs.

Some highlights from the evening include a visit from the highland high school mascot, who ended up taking over the Balhorns trampoline.

At the Noch's I got to experience everyone introduce themselves in goofy accents (kudos to Alyssa P who introduced herself completely in Spanish)

The Tuckerman home was highlighted by GIANT sugar cookies that Hayley brought, and Spencer forgot to take the sticker off of his hat again.

Initially the Lionetti house was not going to have pizza, but Mr Lionetti got so excited about how awesome House was, that he ran right out and got pizza. what a guy!!

We are looking forward to seeing what team comes up with the best
banner/color/house name. Points go down Sunday, so get those things in.
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house is this week!!

Well, we have been preparing for a long time, and House is finally here. this coming sunday, the 11th, we will have our first house night.

We have 4 generous families who are volunteering their homes and we have a great group of leaders who will be organizing them. Each house will be able to score points based on how many people are at their house, inviting new people, coming up with House names, and many other things.

The house winner will go home with bragging right for the year as well as the first ever Impact Cup! Points will accumulate all year and will culminate at Frontlines Summer Camp in July.

May the best team win!!

You can find your House assignment and address at www.myimpact.us under the students tab.
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Homecoming King in our midst

Congrats to Drew Anderson, who won Homecoming King at Normany High School. Drew is one of our seniors this year. He leads a middle school small group, and is active in our high school ministry. Way to go Drew!
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BBHHS Tech Director

Just wanted to let you all know that I am very excited to have the opportunity to tech direct the fall play at Brecksville-Broadview Heights High. I have connected with Ben Lesh, their Drama director, in the past, and this year there was an opportunity for me to be involved. So yesterday I met with a group of the students to talk through the technical needs and we are staring to build the set tomorrow.

For those of you who do not know, my degree is actually in technical theater, and when I graduated, that is the way that I initially came on staff at CVC. So, I am very excited that God has given me this opportunity to be involved in the community!
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House groups downsizing

So Rick and I have been working toward getting the house groups off the ground. Our first House will be on October the 11th, and the assignments will be out very soon. However, we have decided to only do House for high school right now.

Wait a minute! Why do the middle school students not get to come to house? that doesn't seem fair!

Well, let me tell you what is going on.

the goals of House are to be able to grow relationships as well as create an environment where our Impact students can feel comfortable inviting their friends. So, are middle school students going to be excited about inviting their friends to an event with high schoolers and vice versa.

We think not, so we are again ont he search for more homes to host middle school House groups, and as soon as we secure them, we will roll with middle school houses.

Right now, we have 4 HS Houses Noch's, Tuckerman's, Balhorn's, and Lionetti's.

And we have 1 MS House - The Vetter's.

We are still looking for 3 more middle school host homes so that we can pull the trigger.

So, HS students, your house assignments will be on the web soon, and middle school, we will get you rolling as soon as we can!
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